Kids Fishing Derby 2022 Recap (Video)


The Lake Improvement Association held its annual Kids Fishing Derby for developmentally disabled children on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022 at the East Bank Pond at Grand Lake St. Marys.

More than 250 local children enjoyed a day of fishing and feasting, as we served over 670 hot dogs, cookies and other fare. The weather was fantastic and the fish were biting, so it was a fun and rewarding day for all.

The LIA would like to extend a special thank-you to Kara Birt, David Faler, the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Wildlife Officers and the Grand Lake St. Marys State Park staff for coordinating with local schools; Pantry Pride Supermarket for food and supplies; Villa Nova Drive Thru for coolers and ice; the Grand Lake Recreation Club, Auglaize County Developmental Disabilities, teachers, teacher’s aides and students; and all the volunteers who brought cookies, served lunch, baited hooks and removed fish to make it a special and memorable day for the kids.

Watch video coverage on Hometown Stations. 

